To check critical machining items like Covering plate, Eccentric shaft,
Shekhar Shaft, Bearing houshing etc. on priority base.
To check critical fabrication/machining item like Beams, Side frames, Base
plate, Mixer frame,4 Bin hopper/legs etc.
To perform any types of on-site inspection work at suppliers premises.Β
To check all mould parts and moulds precise, accurate and just in time.
To maintain calibration status ok for all measuring instruments periodically.Β
To perform on line NAV work of QC section and convey status of inspection to all through sending Inspection Reports.
To validate development items at supplier site and In-house.Β
To create monthly summary of inspection status and pending non-conforming items lying in QA
To check and analyses customer returned items involving section heads.Β
To perform NDT inspection including outside agency help when required.Β
To make check list/ Check sheet/Quality plan of all critical items of machine and equipment for guideline for actual inspection work w/o any missing point and error.
To check In-house shop item/In process inspection in our shops whenever required and assigned.
To find out alternate and accurate but quick checking/testing method for item.
To mark the sample casting piece in new development case.Β
To visit customer site as and when required for checking part/component/item.
To perform urgent items within that hour by quick response to need.Β
SQC by proper sampling plan implementation for lot items/fastener/parts.
Supplier capability study by checking process capability through their manufactured items in lot.
Assembly stage inspection and trial/testing under HOD direction.Β
Supplier development including supplier visit, supplier evaluation, supplier rating and supplier training/education.
Any other related work assigned by management from time to time.