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Development/Test Engineer

Suitland, Maryland, United States
Test Engineer
  • Employment Category:Β Full-Time/Regular
  • Location:Β Suitland, MD
  • Travel: Some travel may be required both locally and domestically by car or plane.
  • Security Clearance: None
  • Citizenship:Β U.S.
  • Salary: Commensurate with experience


Job Description:
STC is potentially seeking a highly motivated Development and Test Engineer to work in coordination with the NOAA Office of Space Commerce (OSC) to develop and test the upcoming Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS).

Specific duties will include, but are not limited to:

  • Support OSC operations providing development, test, and integration interface to TraCSS System Integration and Presentation Layer vendors.
  • Perform development and test activities to maintain a software DevTest pipeline that addresses operational needs as well as the integration of third-party space situational awareness (SSA) data vendors.
  • Work with the Presentation Layer vendor to ensure operational needs and appropriate user feedback are incorporated into updates.
  • Oversee integrated workflows across all vendors.
  • Work with the OSC IT/Infrastructure staff to ensure the DevTest pipeline maintains appropriate security measures.


5-10 years of experience/knowledge with agile methods and practices as well as cloud computing and related topics. Demonstrated experience in software development, integration, and testing. Demonstrated communication skills and strong organizational competencies. Knowledge of IT/network security methods and protocols. Preferred experience in the satellite operations domain.

Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Information Systems, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, or related field.